Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another Encouraging Day

I finally got ahold of M.W. today, she was Booker's wife when he died and she kept Booker's Place open until last year. She was very kind and wanted to do all that she could to help me. She confirmed the date of his death as 1973. She thinks that the incident when Booker spoke to the news media occurred in either 1964 or 1965. I explained to her about the African American National Biography and how I am trying to get Booker listed. She asked for my number and said that she will ask her daughter if there is any additional information that she can remember about Booker that may be useful to me.

I emailed this info to Donny this morning, he emailed back that he will look for both items on microfilm and will get back to me. He is wonderful. He said that if they are there, he will find them even if it takes him a long time. It is so nice to finally have someone in Greenwood who is taking up this work with me.

Donny also mentioned that he found someone who knows someone who worked for Booker and who knew him. That person is supposed to give Donny a call. It feels as if, finally, the ball is slowly beginning to roll.


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