Friday, March 21, 2008

In the Air

I was thinking more last night about all the things I have felt over the last few months watching Barack Obama's success in his quest to become the next President of the United States of America. I feel proud of Americans who have been able to look at him and see beyond color. Not to say that people who vote for Hilary automatically have a problem with race. I am sure that most people who vote for her do not.

But even Ed Rendell, the Governor of Pennsylvania said "you've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate." So clearly, there are some who are running away from Obama simply because he is not white.

There are even websites devoted to trying to prove that he is anti-christ or that he is trying to become President so that he can turn the country over to the blacks, whatever that means. Whenever people say stuff like that I always think they must not know very much about Presidential powers and the roles of the Congress and the Supreme Court. We don't live in a dictatorship.

But there are those who are stepping out and defying the odds. There are those who are listening without prejudice.

The last few months I have been reminded of something Eldridge Cleaver said in "Soul on Ice":

"...America is slowly coming awake. It is not fully awake yet, but there is soul in the air and everywhere I see beauty."


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